EZ 2000 - Insurance Carriers List

Insurance Carriers List 

The Insurance Carrier List is a master list of all carriers that are attached to Insurance Plans. Carriers are automatically added to the master list when you enter carrier information to a plan, but you can can also add carriers that are not attached to any plan.

In the Main Menu, click Lists, Insurance Carriers, or on the Edit Insurance Plan window click [...] next to Carrier.

Filtering Options:  You can view the results in the Carrier list.
- Carrier/Phone: As you type, only matching entries will list.
- Show Hidden: Include carriers that have been marked Hidden.
- CDAnet Only:  Show only CDAnet carriers in the list. (Canadian Dental Association)

Add or Edit a Carrier
Double click a carrier to edit, or click Add:

Most of the fields are easily understood.

ElectID:  The electronic ID used when submitting electronic claims. Insurance companies will be able to provide you with the correct number. 

Don't Usually Send Electronically:  Check this box to send claims by paper instead.  This option is if the carrier does not accept electronic claims.

Hidden:  Hide this carrier so it is no longer available as a selection.

Ins Plan Subscribers:  Indicates how many Insurance Plans use this carrier. Click the dropdown to see a list of subscribers.

Delete:  You can not delete a carrier that is in use, but you can combine carriers. 

Combine Carriers
Combining carriers blends multiple carriers into one. Only a single carrier's information is retained, and all affected insurance plans will be automatically assigned the new combined carrier.

1.  On the main Carriers window, press Ctrl while clicking to select the carriers.
2.  Click Combine.

3.  Click OK.

4.  Select the carrier that the others will be combined into.
5.  Click OK.  Only the kept carrier will remain in the Carriers list.


  EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 800-273-5033