Time Card Setup


Time Card Setup

In the time card setup, define pay periods and any rules (e.g. for overtime or differential hours). This must be done before time clock is used. Once pay periods are defined, employees can use the Time Clock. Rules set up here will also affect time card calculations in Time Card Manage.

Set Up Pay Periods
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Time Cards.

The Pay Periods list starts out empty and you must add each pay period manually.  Click Add under the Pay Periods grid.

The dates will automatically populate, but you can edit as needed. 
- The start date defaults to one day after the last pay period's end date.  If this is the first pay period, today's date is the default.
- The end date defaults to 14 days from the start date.
- The Paycheck date defaults to 4 days after the end date.

Click OK to add the pay period.

Calculation Options
Use decimal format rather than colon format:  Check this box to display total, daily and weekly times as a decimal.  Uncheck this box to display the totals in colon format.  Regardless of the option chosen, total regular and overtime hours is displayed in both colon and decimal format. 

The math works like this: Colon format in hours:minutes (e.g. 2:30) equals decimal format of 2.5. To convert back and forth, divide or multiply the last number by 60.  30/60=.5, or .5*60=30.  This works for seconds as well as minutes.  It's a standard conversion between base-10 and base-60.

Rounding totals: If you look at a time card that is showing minutes rather than decimals, and you add together all the times, you may notice that the total at the bottom is one or two minutes longer.  This is because seconds are not shown in the grid, but are included in the math.

Calc Daily button makes adjustments if breaks over 30 minutes: Check this box to adjust clock events in an employee's time card when their break runs over 30 minutes. This adjustment will be made when Calc Daily is clicked by an Admin user.  See Time Card Manage.

ADP Company Code:  If using ADP for payroll, enter your practice's company code, as supplied by ADP.  This code will show when you click Export ADP in Time Card Manage.

Automated rules can be setup for special circumstances such as overtime and differential hours.  The most common rule is one that applies to all employees and calculates overtime for working more than 8 hours on any given day.  Rules can apply to all or individual employees.

Click Add under the Rules grid.

Over Hours Per Day: Enter the number of hours an employee can work per day before overtime is calculated.

Before Time of Day/AM Differential:  Enter a morning time, or click 6AM to insert 6:00 AM. If the selected employee(s) works any time before the set time, these hours will be marked differential and be paid at a different rate.

After Time of Day/PM Differential:  Enter an afternoon time, or click 5PM to insert 5:00 PM. If the selected employee(s) works any time after the set time, these hours will be marked differential and be paid at a different rate.

Employees:  Select which employees this rule will apply to.  Only one employee-specific rule is allowed per employee. 

Once rules are setup, at the end of each period you must run the rules to perform the calculations.  See Time Card Manage.

Each employee can only have one type of rule that applies to them (One overtime rule and one AM/PM differential rule).  If multiple rules of the same type apply to an employee, you will receive errors when calculating.


EZ2000 Plus Dental Software 1-800-273-5033